Webpage Coding:
Deep Fried Crocodile: Navigation/Manifestations/Become a Lovebug/came to the rescue Shroomeks: Home/Teachings of Dizzy
Lovebug Dorb gif:
Dorb Lovebugs:
TX-1Bug BotchBug CitrusBug BuntyBug Paradoxical PugBug 東九龍籠屋大師Bug Lobsterdog DungundunBug ShroomeksBug RedshipleyBug BlinkBug Bollweevilbug AshersBug WilBug NandonBug MakkusuBug KnighBug ChaetopterusBug Lilmspopkornman RevolverBug EloxistBug Gabbug LichBug Mr350p_Bug Silenius AgentBug Nambark BotchBug GabrielBug DepudeeBUG Rabubagu FisterBug

Organizer and ideas:
Ashers: Organizer and lovebug rangler mr350p: Lovebug Rangler Suav and lilmspopkornman: webpage idea

drawings/photo edits:
Deep Fried Crocodile dizzyfan lovebugs(become a lovebug) Dr.Wol: UAP_Dizzy(Teachings of Dizzy) TX-1: Lolidizzy in sun(Teachings of Dizzy) Lolidizzy art: @pixelnoodlez Dizzy Dokuro: Dizzygotchi(Teachings of Dizzy) Dizzmo(Teachings of Dizzy) Eimi Isami: Dizzy Doro(Teachings of Dizzy) Citrus: Anime North Polaroid lichcore: Two Dimensional Polaroid Shroomeks: Diguise/Alternate Polaroids Fading Dizzy's{Homepage} Ashers: Phasewars/Offkai/Dizzy?/Imposter Polaroids Scroll Asset: Paper PNGs by Vecteezy

Cherished Quotes
420NoscopeLoveBug EloBug/EloBug with a mustache LobsterloveBug/LobsterloveBug with a mustache nambarkBug/nambarkBug with a mustache TX-1Bug AshersBug blinkbug/blinkbug with a mustache GabrielBug BotchBug CitrusBug